@MikeVick Gives $200K Back To Philly For A Good Cause..That’s Real Balling Folks!!!


    Michael Vick, a man once known as No. 33765-183 during 21 months in prison for dogfighting-crimes, is working on his reputation and working hard to stay ahead of the game. The Philadelphia Eagles’ quarterback, now recognized by the No. 7, recently donated $200,000 to the renovation of the rundown Hunting Park United recreational facility however, some question his sincerity. Is the NFL star just trying to make amends with his fan base?

    “I wanted to show my appreciation for the city,” Vick told USA TODAY Sports. “The thing I’ll never forget is how I was applauded when I came into my first game here. If there was something I could do other than win a championship, I wanted to have something here that I’ll always be remembered by.” – Source: The USA Today

    Since his release from prison, Vick has given to numerous area charities and great causes however, some question whether the NFL star is just looking to increase his fanbase. U.S. Marines reservist Jesse Esterly had this to say, “When he got convicted, I was like, ‘Couldn’t have happened to a better person’..He seemed like a thug.” (Source: USA Today)

    “She won’t go to a game, she won’t watch the TV because she doesn’t want to have anything to do with him, but I always grew up believing that everyone deserves a second chance,” Esterly said.

    “As a Marine, we’re trying to give kids heroes,” he said. “The media shows you when players do something bad. Is he doing it to get himself in a better light? Maybe. But it doesn’t seem forced.”

    Though some question the authenticity of Michael Vick’s efforts to give back to the community and better his reputation, there are individuals who have purchased their season tickets and plan on supporting Vick at every home-game. Philadelphia’s Christ the King School principal and sister Trudy Helder has been a season ticketholder for more than 30 years. “He deserved to go to jail,” Helder said. “But I really do feel that he’s trying really hard to make up for what he’s done.”

    Of course the NFL player is working to better his reputation and increase his fanbase, when did he stop? Even the dog-fighting crimes increased his fanbase but unfortunate for the NFL player it landed him time behind bars. His efforts and contributions to charities and great causes nationwide should not be overlooked because of the player’s past “hobbies.” Take R&B/Pop Superstar Chris Brown for instance, he allegedly assaulted Pop superstar Rihanna and has since made a major music and confidence comeback for his fans.

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