Music Alert! @Kreayshawn Album-Debut “Somethin’ Bout Kreay”


    Rapper Kreayshawn got her foot in the music-industry’s door with her debut single “Gucci Gucci.” Her debut album, Somethin’ Bout Kreay, released Tuesday September 18. The rapper sat down with Billboard and reviewed each track from the album. Check out the video clip below. Kreayshawn’s album stream is available at

    Kreayshawn told MTV News that the album is an eclectic mix of tracks that she put together primarily under the guidance of producer Jean Baptiste and his collective Free School. “It was a group of people who really understood how I am, so if I said, ‘I want a crazy song that sounds like New Orleans booty bounce music or Chicago house,’ he would know exactly what I meant,” Kreayshawn explained. (Source: MTV)

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