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New Music! @KendrickLamar Freestyles Over Biggie’s “Who Shot Ya?”

Last night, new artist and rapper Kendrick Lamar made a guest appearance on Funkmaster Flex’s New York radio show. The critically aclaimed rapper to spit bars over the Biggie’s Ready To Die classic track “Who Shot Ya?” Check it out here first on Hip Hop Enquirer. Lamar will make his major label album debut, g.o.o.d. kid, m.A.A.d. city, October 22nd.

“Any moment you could lose yo’ life/So kiss yo’ kids or hug yo’ wife,” as well some self-aware braggadocio: “I got good hair /Knowin’ damn well there’s chemicals there.”

AUDIO CLIP: Kendrick Lamar Freestyles Over Biggie’s Ready To Die Track “Who Shot Ya”

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