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Update: Michael Turner From The Atlanta Falcons Arrested For DUI (Video of Mike Inside)

Only a few hours after the Atlanta Falcons beat the Denver Broncos 27-21 Monday night, Michael Turner was arrested in the wee hours of Tuesday morning for alledgedly speed driving while intoxicated.

According to authorites Turner was clocked doing 97 mph in a 65 mph zone.

30-year-old Turner was taken to an Atlanta jail, and later released on a $2,179 bond.

“At the game, though, the young NFL superstar scored his 51st touchdown as a Falcon, which set a franchise record. Turner was also a stellar player when he attended Northern Illinois University, leaving the institution with the school records for rushing yards (1,941), touchdowns (13), and all-purpose yards (1,038).” according to

In a recent interview Turner spoke on his success, since coming to Atlanta in 2008.

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