Breaking News!! Jay Z Singing President @BarackObama Tune in Support of Gay Marriage (video inside)


    In what he calls a form of discrimination, Jay Z who is obviously one of the biggest entertainer’s in hip hop has also decided to chime in on the issue of same-sex marriage as he discussed the issue during a recent issue on CNN. Jigga man stated that “he believes its the right thing to do” and has supported the idea for a long time. While his decision to speak on the matter might have been politically motivated and the fact that he “hangs” with President Obama, there have been others in hip hop who have given contrasting opinions on the issue and have even “come out the closet” on their sexuality.

    During an interview on, EPMD member Erick Sermon sounded off on the topic of homophobia in hip-hop. Though the true sexuality of many rap and hip-hop artists has long been questioned, Sermon says he feels an openly gay mainstream rapper may never exist.

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    “When you talk about sports players, too, like we don’t know if that’s ever gonna happen, ’cause that’s like a curse to be in the sports and be gay and be in hip-hop and be gay,” Sermon stated. “You can’t be on a basketball team, football team and be homo, and be rapping…and be homo. N—-s will kill you.”

    The star, who has been the subject of gay rumors himself, went on to note he doesn’t think he’s ever worked with a gay artist, and noted that he “can’t even let my kid” watch TV shows on channels like MTV due to the exposure to “girl-on-girl” or “boy-on-boy” experiences.

    In 2011, Atlanta hip hop blogger Gyant himself revealed that he too was gay and his “coming out the closet” was due to watching a segment of the Oprah show which apparently struck a cord in him.

    While many still do not support same sex behavior, it is apparent that the consensus for such behavior is growing amongst members of the hip hop community.

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us on twitter@hiphopenquirer

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