Rapper Bow Wow Failed to Disclose New Gig @Bet to Judge and May Be Held in Contempt of Court (video inside)


    According to TMZ, Bow Wow and the mother of his child, Joie Chavis were in court Monday, fighting over how much Bow Wow is worth and how much he has to pay in child support.

    During the hearing, Bow Wow informed the judge that he only makes $4,000 a month while working at Cash Money Records. He also stated that he leases a jeep, and only has  $1,500 in his checking account. Doesn’t sound like the type of artist that Cash Money Boss Baby would have in his company.

    Bow Wow has been ordered to pay child support for his 1-year-old daughter Shai, which he voluntarily agreed to dish out $3,000 a month for his baby.

    According to Bow Wow he only makes $4,000 a month so how can he possibly afford to pay $3,000 a month in child support? That will leave the rapper with only $1,000 before taxes every month.

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    Bow Wow reportedly failed to mention in court that he just landed a deal with BET as the new host of  106 & Park. This news broke after Bow Wow had his court hearing. More than likely Bow Wow knew of this deal prior to the hearing. While everyone knows BET doesn’t pay their employees much and most sign on with hopes of reaching star status or in Bow Wow’s case to regain his status, chances are that he was only promised peanuts to do the gig.

    The rapper is due back in court in December for the rules on a permanent child support order. Now that the judge has learned about his new gig at BET, this will certainly affect how much money he will have to pay every month. Hip Hop Enquirer will be in the courtroom when the rapper returns as we too are interested in hearing his explanation for why he didn’t disclose he new gig. BET’s former host Terrence J happily moved on to work for the E Network for the growth opportunity and to expand his brand while his co-host Rosci’s career is up in the air at this time.

    As for now, the judge has order Bow Wow to pay $11,500 in back child support.

     Hip-Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us on twitter @hiphopenquirer

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