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@KanyeWest Gets $1M Head Start On @KimKardashian’s Birthday

Sources confirm “Stronger” rapper Kanye West has set aside $1 MILLION for his girlfriend/TV personality Kim Kardashian. Kim Kardashian’s 32nd birthday is October 21st, 2012 and West has already planned to go all out for her.

Sources close to Kim K say, “Kim has been really down about turning 32 and having two failed marriages behind her and no children, so he wants to make this extra-special…Plus it’s her first birthday since they’ve been together as a couple…Kanye has never been shy of splashing out on the women he loves, but this time he’s pulling out all the stops with presents.” (Source: The Sun)

Kanye has arranged for them to travel to Pine Cay, a private island in the Turks and Caicos group of islands in the West Indies with a group of their friends where he will throw a huge birthday bash for Kim. He’s even sorted a chef from a five-star hotel to cook for them privately every night. West has also included in the birthday-package a made-to-order special edition Prada bag, lined in a ‘KK’ print, a diamond bracelet and a Chanel dress. (Source: The Sun)

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