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New Video Alert: @Gucci1017 Ft. Young Scooter and @WakaFlockaBSM “Rollies Up”

On this track Gucci linked up with Brick Squad members Waka Flocka and Young Scooter for the very boastful track “Rollies Up.”

There isn’t much to the video besides the rappers sitting at a table playing cards, counting money, and showing off the Rolex watches on their wrists.

Seems like Gucci is making sure to let everyone know just how well he is doing financially despite him having to pay a woman nearly $60,000 for pushing her out of his moving Hummer back in 2011.

The woman sued the rapper for damages following the incident claiming mental anguish, pain and emotional distress.

At least Gucci is still holding his Rollies up. Check out the video.

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