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No Mercy: Murder in The Bronx As Stalker Ex-Boyfriend Kills Girlfriend and New Beau

Even a court ordered restraining order couldn’t keep a jealous ex-boyfriend away from the woman he taunted or the new guy in her life as he shot and killed the two as they emerged from a motel in the south Bronx around 3:10 a.m. Police stated that the suspect emptied over 2 dozen bullets into the victims riddled bodies.

The deceased woman identified as Tracy Bennett pleaded for her life. “Don’t do it! Don’t do it!” moments before he killed her and her boyfriend Wayne Hamilton, 50, just when they were about to leave in the deceased woman’s Toyota Camry.

“I saw the guy running around. He was dancing all over the place,” Jackson said. “Then, I heard the shots. It sounded like about 30 shots. It was like two clips worth.”

Investigators believe the assassin was her ex-boyfriend, described only as a bald man, sources said. He sped away from the scene in a blue Honda sedan and was still at large Saturday.

Hamilton, who grew up in Jamaica, Queens, flew into the city on Friday night to meet up with his old pals, according to a friend.

The motel, which sits on a service road of the New England Thruway, has been wrapped in crime scene tape before. The suspect

Source: New York Daily News
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