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Jennifer Hudson Isn’t Buying The American Idol Judge Disputing

Former American Idol contestant and Grammy winner, Jennifer Hudson, says she’s not buying the “American Idol disputes”. According to TMZ, paparazzi caught her boarding her flight at LAX and asked her what she thought about the feuding between Mariah Carey and Nicki Minaj.

“I don’t believe it…I think its just for ratings for the show,” she stated very surely while quickly walking off to board her flight.

Jennifer came very close to winning the American Idol prize back in 2004, but ended up becoming a large star, in film and music, without the American Idol title. Back in 2004, Fantasia Barrino became the final pick of judges, but Jennifer is sure the “fighting” amongst judges is pure “fiction”.

TMZ stated a rumor that recording artist and judge of “The Voice” believes the same as Jennifer on the staged “bickering”.

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