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Special! R&B Diva Star @Syleena_Johnson Hosts the 1 Year Anniversary Of @GochaSalon This Sunday via @Kashact

October 21st 2012, Gocha Salon will be celebrating their 1year anniversary, and it’s sure to be an event! Hosted by Kash Howard and Nikki Nicole, R&B Diva and reality star Syleena Johnson will also be making a special guest appearance. The event will be from 4-6pm. Music will be provided by The Legend Dj Rick and catered by Chef Clarence. Come out this Sunday and support! Follow Gocha Salon at

Hosted By Kash Howard and Nikki Nicole

Special Appearance by Syleena Johnson

Refreshments provided by:

See you Sunday October 20th 2012 at Gocha Salon 620 Glen Iris Suite 108 (Ponce De Leon), Atlanta, GA 30331 10/21 from 4-6Pm


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