Trick or Treat? Q From Worldstar Hip Hop Caught Paying for Pleasure (Warning: Explicit Audio Content)


You ever wonder where the money that you pay to post your videos on Worldstarhiphop goes? Well a video that just hit the Internet shows you where some of it goes. A video recently leaked online shows Worldstarhiphop founder Q paying some young ladies for their “time” to the tune of $2500.

I’m not sure who leaked the video, but it’s sure to cause a stir in the morning. For those who don’t know, Worldstarhiphop is an online hub for everything music and ratchet related. What began as a distribution site for mixtapes, turned into the place to get your videos exposed to a wide audience. Over years the site grew to where it’s one of the most powerful forces in hip-hop. So, for anywhere from $700 to $1500 you can have your music video posted on the site alongside major label acts. If you have a video of someone fighting, getting knocked out, or having sex, they’ll post it for free. What are the chances that Q posts this video tomorrow? I bet VladTV will. Q was also named in 2010 as BET Hip Hop Awards best blog site…it figures we suppose.

Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine|

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