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Sad News!! Louisiana Women Set On Fire; Police Will Not List It As A Hate Crime Yet

Times have changed, but have they really? This week, a Louisiana woman sits in a hospital in critical condition after she was set on fire, resulting in burns on roughly 60 percent of her body. This was not an accident. The incident was a product of racism and allegedly delivered by members of the Ku Klux Klan.

20 year old Sharmeka Moffitt had parked her car by a walking trail in Civitan Park in Winnsboro, La., on Sunday evening to go exercise, said mother told The Shreveport Times, when she was set on fire. Moffitt told police she couldn’t recognize the race of her attackers but she said she thought they were wearing white hoodies. Her car was later found to have what appears to be racial slurs written on it. It was confirmed later that the letters on her car was KKK. Moffitt was alone at the time and was able to put herself out by using a nearby water spigot. She was later rushed to the burn unit Louisiana State University Medical Center in Shreveport Louisiana.

Police are not yet classifying the incident as a hate crime. The Louisiana State Police, the Winnsboro Police Department, the Franklin Parish Sheriff’s Department and the FBI are all assisting in the ongoing investigation.

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