Surprise, Surprise! All Is Not Lost for Blue Ivy Carter Trademark; Still Pending for @Jayz and @Beyonce





    The BLUE IVY CARTER trademark is still pending before the United States Patent and Trademark Office.  News reports have erroneously stated that power couple Beyonce and JayZ has no rights in the Blue Ivy name.  This is not the case.

    While Veronica Alexandra can prevent the couple from using the BLUE IVY mark for wedding and event planning services,Beyonce’s and JayZ’s application to protect the BLUE IVY CARTER trademark for products ranging for fragrances to hair accessories, is still actively being pursued before the United States Patent and Trademark Office.  Trademarks are used to protect a name, logo or phrase in connection with specific services or goods except in instances where the trademark is considered to be a famous one.

    There has been no judicial determination that the couple cannot pursue the trademark in connection with services other than wedding and event planning. As the trademark application continues through the process of being approved, we suspect that the couple will be able to protect and obtain rights to use Blue Ivy’s name in connection with a variety of goods and services.

    The couple made a very start move by seeking to prevent others from profiting off their daughter’s name, and also preserving Blue Ivy’s right in and to her name in the future.  This story is not over so don’t be surprised to see a BLUE IVY CARTER teething ring at your local Target Store.

    On another note, it is interesting to note that the trademark is owned by BGK Trademark Holdings – Beyonce Knowles-Carter is both the manager and sole member of the company!

    We will keep you updated on this pending trademark application.

    Attorney Stacy Raphael Stewart is a successful trademark/copyright attorney in Atlanta, Georgia and is a graduate of Howard University School of Law. She has successfully litigated copyright cases and secured trademarks and is someone we have endorsed here at Hip Hop Enquirer.

    Follow her on Twitter @RaphaelStewart.

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us on twitter@hiphopenquirer

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