Tech Notes: How Does Nexus 10 Match Up To The Ipad And Microsoft Surface?


    Many a 10-inch Android tablet has hit the market and failed miserably, not coming close to making a meaningful dent in Apple’s IPad sales. Now, Google has taken matters into its own hands. With the new Nexus 10, the company behind the Android OS is finally pushing a large-sized tablet of its own. The product is in collaboration with Samsung and hopes to take a huge bite out of Apple’s dominance.

    So now that the device has been unveiled, how will it stack up against the new fourth-gen iPad? And how about Microsoft’s Surface tablet, which seeks to add a bit of PC flavor to the tablet world? The competition won’t be easy, and Google knows that.

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    One major weakness most critics has seen so far for Android has been a lack of tablet-optimized apps. Google is already making a major push to get more of these apps from developers. But just how much the tech community is listening remains to be seen. Microsoft’s Windows 8 RT operating system has even fewer tablet-optimized apps. Future versions of the Surface tablet will be able to run traditional PC apps, but it’s unclear whether or not consumers want a keyboard-and-mouse desktop experience on a touch-friendly tablet. Regardless, for now, iOS still clearly dominates in terms of number of tablet-specific apps.

    Price wise, all 3 are on the same level  starting around $400 to $500. The Nexus 10 has a camera on it like the IPad, where Microsoft’s Surface does not and the The Nexus 10 will not be available until November 13th, where Apple and Microsoft’s products are available now. As we get close to Christmas time, I’m sure we’ll see which product will come out as a true competitor to the IPad.

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine|Follow us on twitter@hiphopenquirer

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