Max B @Maxbiggavelli Still Hopes To Be Free Soon Despite Having His Appeal Denied



    Max B has high hopes for getting out of jail early despite having his robbery-murder conviction upheld meaning that he’s to remain in prison until 2042. Still he is still fighting for his release by attempting to get four million signatures on a petition to release him from prison.

    “We trying to get the petition on ‘Pardon The Wave’ signed,” he told AllHipHop. “We trying to go at the governor; we trying to go at the president. To the people that’s not signing the petition and screaming ‘Free Max B,’ that’s not wavy. Do the right thing; sign the petition.”

    “Right now, I’m on post convictions. I’m still early in my appeal stages,” he explained. “This next appeal could take anywhere from 18 months…it could drag out for 10 years if I’m not on my game. But if I got the support I need, and everyone [does] what they’re supposed to do, I’m trying to get right back to court in the next 18 months to two years.”

    “This appeal right here, this is the one,” he said. “This is kinda better than the first one, because I can come with different legal strategies. I just need the people to come out support the party and support the wave.”

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    Max was sentenced to 75 years in prison in 2009 for his part in a botched 2006 robbery in New Jersey that turned into a murder. Max has to been said to have sent his ex-girlfriend Gina Conway and his stepbrother Kelvin Leederdam to rob 2 men who were staying at a Holiday Inn. Conway and Leederdam ambushed Allan “Jay” Plowden. They duct taped him and waited for his partner David Taylor to arrive. When Taylor arrived, he was shot point blank. The two fled the room after the shooting, leaving Plowden alive. When the police arrived, they found Plowden trying to move $30,000 out of the room. He was charged with money laundering and idenity theft. Conway, Leederdam and Max, whose real name is Charlie Wingate were caught one week later. Max was charged with murder conspiracy and robbery charges and sentenced to 75 years in prison.

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine|Follow us on twitter@hiphopenquirer

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