Another Rap Star Endorses The President @KendrickLamar Changes His Stance On Voting; Supports @BarackObama Plus Likes @ChrisBrown Over @Usherraymondiv (Pause)


    Despite his earlier non-voting stance, it appears that rapper Kendrick Lamar has decided to take a more active role as the end of the 2012 election draws near. In a interview with MTV, Kendrick explained how he thinks his generation takes the wrong approach to politics and politicians.

    “I think we tend to put issues in the hands of higher politics rather than do for ourselves,” he said. “So what made me the most angry is, when something doesn’t go right in that world, you get people out here that want to blame Obama. And I think that’s corny. I think that’s one of our biggest failures as a community, as a generation; not wanting to go out and do for ourselves and to sit back and wait. And then when it doesn’t happen, we point the finger. I think we just really need to take matters into our own hands; uplift our community, put money back in our community, and show these kids how there’s something different.”

    “I think I’m going to go ahead [and vote for Barack Obama], just because I cannot see Mitt Romney [winning],” he laughed. “I’ll be on food stamps my whole life! I just don’t feel like he’s got a good heart at all.

    Now, can we get Lupe Fiasco to change his mind?

     [kkytv id=”2rW50wC6owI”]

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine|Follow us on twitter@hiphopenquirer


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