Author DeQuina Moore Give Us 100 Reasons to Re-Elect @BarackObama In Her New Book


    Author and actress DeQuina Moore has mastered the art of acting. You can find Moore flexing her acting chops on every where from Law & Order: SVU, Joyful Noise to the Broadway production of Legally Blonde. Her latest job will sure to have her audience giving her a standing ovation as well.

    Dequina recently released her first book. “Under His Watch: Over 100 Reasons to Re-Elect & Remember President Barack Obama.” The book offers more than a 100 reasons why a voter should head to the polls and toss their support to President Barack Obama.

    Inspired by what she called “the misleading, negative right-wing propaganda and a misbehaving Congress,” Moore decided upon herself to do hours of research to find out as much as she could about the Presidents first 4 years in office.

    Using her unique style of stating facts, anecdotal monologues, amazing artwork and poignant photographs captures your attention. It’s her style that makes the book a short, yet informative and entertaining book.

    The Houston native wants her book to “evolve the mind of those who don’t have the facts, so here is what He has done!”

    If you haven’t picked a candidate to throw your support behind, DeQuina Moore can give you couple of reasons.

    “Under His Watch: Over 100 Reasons to Re-Elect & Remember President Barack Obama,” and comes with an accompanying song called “Thank You,” that she performed herself. on Amazon and Barnes & Nobel”

     Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us on twitter@hiphopenquirer

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