Too Little Too Late? @RealStacyDash Pens A Letter To @TMZ After @BarackObama Wins Election (photos & video inside)



    After it was all final last night and Barack Obama was elected to a 2nd term in office, plenty of Mitt Romney supporters felt down. One big supporter was “Clueless” star Stacy Dash.

    Dash wrote a 1300 word essay to TMZ after Mitt Romney lost in his run for President. The film and television star shocked the world when she tweeted that she was supporting Mitt Romney over Barack Obama in the 2012 election. Despite a huge backlash in the African-American community, she stood by what she believed and contined to to support Romney. That leads us to this letter.

    Although she had plenty of kind words for Obama (the actress praised POTUS for being “brilliant, understated, ethical [and] a great husband and father”), Dash said she’s concerned about the economy’s “tremendous downturn” and “the [country’s] slow path to recovery,” and that Romney’s “bipartisan success as governor of Massachusetts” (as well as his business acumen) are what this country needs now.

    She went on to say in her letter that “The main objective of our nation must be repairing the economy. All our social concerns must come after this. Without a stable economy our great nation fails.”

    Dash addressed the hatred she felt from social media after she spoke about her support for a Romney/Ryan ticket.

    “I do not want to be a part of the hateful voices insulting each other. I want to be a part of the voices that helps shape the future. Don’t you?” she mused. “Perhaps I publicly endorsed Romney from a slightly naive place, thinking that I could speak my voice without being criticized in such racially charged and hateful tones.”

    Regardless of the election’s outcome, Dash made it clear she wants the bickering to stop.

    “I feel a desperation for the country. The fact is, that when the two parties are not working together, it makes things worse! Bring me a leader from either party that can get this unstuck,” she wrote. “Non-partisanship is what will get Americans back to work and the homeless back on their feet. Whoever is the next president must break gridlock and do the will of the people. Stop pandering to partisan politics while our great nation flounders.”

    Hours later — after learning about Obama’s victory — Dash updated her missive, stating that she “congratulate[s]” him.

    “Although I am disappointed that Governor Romney and Congressman [Paul] Ryan did not win, I am hopeful that President Obama will lead us to becoming the great UNITED STATES OF AMERICA that thrives,” Dash concluded.

    Explaining that she’s socially progressive, Dash argued that getting the economy back on track should be the priority for whomever takes office. To the end she was proud of her candidate, Mitt Romney.

    Perhaps some people should stick to what they do best and leave the politics to the politicians!

    [kkytv id=”p3wPeY8TFeM”]

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine|Follow us on twitter@hiphopenquirer

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