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Got Any Rap In You?: Was Miley Cyrus Flirting With @MackMaine And @MeekMill For Features (Video Inside)

Mack Maine said one time on the song “Every Girl” that he wanted the then-teenage Miley Cyrus to “holla at” him.  Well, it looks like he got his wish. Recently the two  engaged in a little playful Twitter-flirting.

Miley would tweet “@mackmaine wait? Haha why is my face your profile picture?”

????>>>you know why!!!,” Maine tweeted back. She responded with, “@mackmaine cause I’m sooooo damn cute” (Miley added.

He hit her back with “yes u are!! And it’s been 3yrs!!!!” Maine reminded the 21 year old. This wasn’t Miley’s first time messing with a rapper this weekend. She also hit up Meek Mill this week, quoting on his lines.

I don’t what’s good with Miley Cyrus, but since she’s cut ties with Disney, it seems like she’s dying to get some….rap in her! In her defense, she does love rap and rapping. Maybe she’s looking for features? She is working on a new project and she has Pharrell and Tyler the Creator doing production. A hot 16 from a A-List rapper could help her mission of breaking free from the Disney mold. Plus, she does have a love for hip-hop. Listen to Miley speak about her favorite rappers, Gucci Mane and Oj the Juiceman. Aye!

[kkytv id=”bs_8maRTo54″]

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