@Rihanna Flips Out on Her Band During 777 Tour


    In case you’ve been living under a rock and haven’t heard, Rihanna is currently on her “777” tour where she invited hundreds of journalists, fans and label reps to fly around the world with her on the seven stop tour.

    Last night the tour hit London and things seemed to be going great until Rihanna got ready to perform “Where Have You Been”. The songstress spazzed out on her band about a minute into the song stating “Stop this sh!t, what the f*ck is that? Why is the track off from the band?”.

    Rihanna then turned to the crowd and said “This is the bullsh!t we deal with when we just do a random rock n roll tour. No rehearsals and shit. I apologize to everybody at home streaming live on Jay Z’s site Life + Times. Let’s start this one from the top.”

    At least Rihanna’s outburst wasn’t a random diva moment, but instead a performer just wanting their set to sound as amazing as possible, and you really can’t be mad at that. Check out the performance below!

     Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us on twitter@hiphopenquirer

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