Drake Loses Grandmother, Evelyn Sher on Thanksgiving Day


    Our heart goes out to Drake, who unfortunately lost his maternal grandmother, Evelyn Sher this Thanksgiving. Last night, November 22, Drake tweeted “Rest in peace to my grandmother Evelyn Sher. What a day to go…thankful to have had the times we did”. Drake cancelled the North Carolina and Virginia legs of the Club Paradise Tour earlier this year, in order to be with his sick grandmother.

    You may remember Drake’s grandmother from the track, “Look What You’ve Done” off of his official debut Thank Me Later. Ms. Sher made an appearance on the song in the form of a voice-over telling Drake ““All I can say Aubrey is, I remember the good times we had together and the times I used to look after you and I still have wonderful feelings about that,” she said over the somber piano beat. “So God bless you, and I hope I’ll see you”.

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