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@TrinaBraxton, @TeddyRiley1, Mayor @KasimReed, @ShantiDas404 & More Give Back This Holiday Season

Trina Braxton, Mayor Kasim Reed & Shanti Das

This past Thanksgiving Eve, Trina Braxton, Atlanta Mayor Kasim Reed, Bounce TV President Ryan Glover and more gave back at entertainment mogul Shanti Das, Atlanta City Councilman Kwanza Hall and Teddy Riley’s “No Reservations Needed” event. The event took place this past Wednesday night at the Atlanta mission where hundreds of families were fed. Check out more pics from “No Reservations” below.

ATL City Council President Ceasar Mitchell, Councilman Kwanza Hall, Teddy Riley Gabe Solis, Trina Braxton, Mayor Kasim Reed & Shanti Das
Trina Braxton with guest and her husband Gabe Solis
Teddy Riley & other volunteers serving food
Shanti Das & Bounce TV President Ryan Glover

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