Cut the Damn Check! Did @JayZ Brings In 4 Million From Ace Of Spades?


    Jay-Z has a love for Ace Of Spades champagne, but that love didn’t come free!  According to the book “Empire State of Mind: How Jay-Z Went from Street Corner to Corner Office” Jigga’s estimated annual earnings from the brand are over $4 million yearly and he has equity in the brand worth about $50 million.

    So, when How waved a gold bottle in his “Show Me What You Got” music video, he wasn’t just mentioning a brand, he was helping his investment.

    And a great investment it was. Like when 50 Cent said “took quarter water sold it in bottles for two bucks,” in his hit song “I Get Money,” Ace Of Spades’ production cost is about $13 per bottle, and sells at a wholesale price of $225.

    Source: Myglobalhustle

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine|Follow us on twitter@hiphopenquirer

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