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Has the Savior of Hip Hop Arrived? Is @FrenchMontana The King Of New York? (Video Inside)

What happened to New York? Not the city itself. To discuss what happened to New York City, I’d need more space than what’s given. I’m asking, what happened to NYC’s hip-hop scene. The city that brought us stars like Jay-Z, Nas, Notorious B.I.G. and more now lacks star power to stand-out in the industry that it fathered. Now, they’re have been a few sparks here and there. Maino had his turn, so did Jim Jones and Camron. Fab got back to the old Hot 97 freestyle Fab with his “No Competiton” mixtapes and A$AP stole the light for a minute, but no one has really stepped up to the point where they’re putting the city back at the top of the hip-hop food chain like the aforementioned trio did.

Right now, NYC is a hodgepodge of everything in hip-hop. One day the sound of the city will resemble Atlanta, other days it will sound like Los Angeles. The boom bap, sample heavy days of Dj Premier are over for the most part and the NYC hip-hop scene has become a race to keep up with the Jones’s. Is there hope for the city that never sleeps? Is there anyone who can really rep NYC hip-hop and possibly bring it back to the forefront like it once was? I think that person does exist. I’ll throw my support behind French Montana.

French in reality, represents everything New York. He’s not as flashy as A$AP, he’s not as known as say 50 Cent, but when you ask ‘who is carrying NYC rap right now?,’ if the name French Montana doesn’t get mentioned then who does? All French does is make hit records, have a good time and do it all while repping NY. French is also a mix of everything that is out right now. He’s spent plenty of time in the South so it’s no shock that his beat selection leans more toward Mike Will Made It than Dj Premier. French might not come off like what you feel like the savior of NYC rap would hope, but he’s really all you got right now.

Lets check the stats. French has an argument that he is the face of New York City right now.  French has released a series of hood-classic mixtapes, “Mac & Cheese 1-3.” He managed to build a name for himself and the city through his Cocaine City DVD’s. French has been a name in the Big Apple and outside of it years before he signed his name to a MMG/Bad Boy contract. He’s made anthems for the city he loves (New York Minute, We Watch Out) and dropped certified hit records (Shot Caller, Pop That). He may not be the sexiest choice, but he’s all yall have right now.

French has the light right now, and I don’t see him passing the torch anytime soon. No, he’s not lyrically a Nas, Jay or Big. No one said that he had to be. He’s just the person in the best position right now to bring NYC back to prominence. There’s still development needed. 50 Cent never lied when he said that French hasn’t had a hit on his own yet. Listening to “Mac & Cheese 3” you can tell that might’ve gotten to French. For the most part of the mixtape, he goes dolo to show he can carry his own records. But you can only hate for so long before you realize that French Montana is what the streets of New York is yelling right now. So, salute French! He’s gone from being a footnote to being the savior. “Montana….B****”

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