We Aint Got No Worries: Ice Cube Still Hopes To Have Chris Tucker In ‘Last Friday’


    Ice Cube is still planning to return to the Friday franchise, that’s a fact. What’s not a fact is whether or not actor/comedian Chris Tucker, will be on board for the series’ fourth installment.

    Ice Cube recently spoke about his hope to still get Chris Tucker involved with the next installment of the film.

    “I’m waiting to give it to them, but it’s politics and it’s economics getting it to where it needs to be,” Cube said. “It’s moving in the right direction to get made, but it just ain’t moving as fast as I want it … but it’s happening. … With a script, nobody is all the way down until they like their deal and they sign it, so everything is just a theory. He’s written into the movie, and once they give us the green light to start hiring actors, then we’re going to present him with the movie and an offer and we’ll see if he takes it.”

    Lets hope we can get Smokey on deck for the last of a great movie franchise. “And you know this man!”

     [kkytv id=”QdC_iTW35lw”]

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