@Game Strolls Down Memory Lane.. Recalls Time When @KanyeWest Beat Him In Rap Battle (Video Inside)


    In a recent interview with VLAD TV The Game whose fifth studio album Jesus Piece drops on December 11th took a stroll down memory lane and reminisced on the time when pre-College Dropout Kanye West beat him in a random rap battle.

    “I gave him probably about 40 bars, just rapping fire, and then he came and he spit like 40 bars. I took it up, and I ended up rapping for like three or four minutes…I felt like I won, and then Kanye, just out of nowhere, started going in about how I thought I was the ‘savior and watch my behavior’ – he just really started going in, and the chicks started being like, ‘Oooh, aah,’ and once the chicks start chiming in, it’s pretty much over”, said Game. Check out the full story below!

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