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Congrats to @RickyRozay Named GQ Mag’s 2012 “Bawse of the Year”

After being named the tenth most powerful man in hip hop by The Source, Rick Ross has now been donned as GQ Magazine’s “Bawse of the Year”. Rick Ross discussed how his more of a marathon runner than a sprinter, when it comes to attaining success. “I’m the typa dude who feels like he could take number two next year. The moves I make, I ain’t never in no rush”, said Rozay.

When asked if he has any advice for the readers, Ross responded with “One, for Christmas go get yourself an MMG tattoo. Two, let’s all stop smoking blunts; let’s smoke out of papers. Ladies, you all should just love me. Let’s all have a beautiful year, let’s get this money”.

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