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Right In Time For Christmas: Torani Release Chicken & Waffles Flavored Pancake Syrup

What started out as an April Fool’s joke gone awry has left Torani syrup with its strangest flavor to date: Chicken ‘n Waffles.

According to a press release put out by Torani, the company attempted an April Fool’s joke this year. There was a minor mishap, however, when Torani decided to release the fake Chicken ‘n Waffles syrup media campaign in late March instead of on April 1. The phony syrup garnered media attention and when April Fool’s Day finally rolled around, some customers who had planned to buy the unusual flavor were devastated.

Since thousands of fans emerged after it was revealed that the flavor was a joke, Torani decided that it would indeed develop a Chicken ‘n Waffles syrup. Torani explains that the syrup is, “a delicate balance of three distinct flavor components: yeasty buttermilk waffle, crispy fried chicken, and sweet maple syrup.” The company recommends using the syrup to flavor butter, vinaigrette, cocktails, or even waffles — although that last use may seem a bit redundant.

This isn’t their first try at developing strange blends of syrups. Torani’s also ffers up other wild flavors too like their bacon-flavored syrup. At $6.95 per bottle for a limited time only, this could be the perfect Christmas gift for someone who always has an appetite for Roscoe’s.

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