What Happened to Love Thy Neighbor?? Black Family Chased Out of Its Suburb in California


    A Black police officer, his wife, an L.A. County sheriff’s deputy, and his two children have been forced to flee Yorba Linda to nearby Corona, California, after an assorted bunch of attacks on their home and personal property left them terrified.

    Rocks were thrown through their windows, car tires were slashed and racial taunts were shouted by passing motorists. One day, their six-year-old son came home from school asking why his classmates said they couldn’t play with him because he was Black.

    The family fled the city a few weeks ago and moved out of the county to Corona, said the father, who asked that his name not be used out of fear for his safety. His wife reported the incidents to the Orange County Human Relations Commission, which tracks hate crimes in the county.

    Though the commission the family reported their troubles to says it will “share the story with local politicians and conduct so-called listening sessions to gauge the experience of African-Americans in Orange County,” there’s no evidence that those precautions will make a difference in curbing Yorba Linda’s apparent problems with race.

    Source: Bet.com

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