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@WendyWilliams Goes HAM on @Beyonce.. Says “She Sounds Like She Has A 5th Grade Education”

Talk show host, Wendy Williams might have gone too far this time. On a recent episode of the Wendy Williams show, Wendy made a reference about Beyonce’s speech. While doing a segment on Beyonce’s upcoming HBO documentary, and after calling herself a fan she continued on saying:

“Fortuanately one of the TV’s in our kitchen has closed captioning so I’ll be able to understand what she says. You know Beyonce can’t talk. Beyonce sounds like she has a fifth grade education, she can’t talk.”

There must have been some Beyonce stans in the audience though, because right after her comment they boo’d. Don’t hate on the southern drawl, Wendy! She also might want to watch her back, because we all know the Knowles-Carter clan pretty much runs the world right now. Oh, and did we forget to mention that Beyonce hangs out with the First Lady of the United States and her hubby is buddies with the POTUS? Not a smart move Ms. Williams.

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