Not So Fast Buddy! Judge Denies Shooter Zimmerman Request for Removal of Ankle Monitor…He Must Stay Put!


    In a judgement that we can agree with, today a Seminole County, FL judge denied George Zimmerman’s request to be taken off of GPS monitoring as he awaits trial for the February 26th killing of teenager, Trayvon Martin.

    Zimmerman’s defense attorney, Mark O’Mara is using the excuse that Zimmerman needs to be release of his GPS tracker so that he can be able to travel and assist in the defense of his case. O’Mara also claimed that he is not safe in Seminole County where he has allegedly received death threats.

    Prosecutor Bernie de la Rionda didn’t fall for that one though, claiming that Zimmerman and his defense team only want him to travel for publicity and fundraising purposes. “Isn’t the defendant safer if law enforcement knows exactly where he is?” de la Rionda said. “If there are threats, why is he appearing on national television?”.


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