Jean Grae (@JeanGreasy) Snags Multimedia Deal for Next Album & Upcoming Sitcom



    Jean Grae, one of the most respected female rappers in the game continues to make unexpected power moves. It’s been reported that Jean has signed a multimedia partnership with Guy Routte, the CEO of Pharoahe Monche’s W.A.R. Media. Jean has also announced that she’ll be starting her own multimedia company named Kids Are Gonna Die (KAGD), where she’ll be releasing projects such as her highly anticipated 6th and 7th albums, Gotham Down and Cake or Death.

    The most exciting part of the news may be the announcement that these new deals will result in a bi-weekly sitcom called “Life With Jeannie” where Jean will be acting as producer and the main star. If the show is anything like her hilarious tweets, we can’t wait.

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