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Ma$e Officially Let Go from Bad Boy Contract, Says He Would Sign with Drake or G.O.O.D. Music


So who even knew that Ma$e was still signed to Bad Boy Records? We sure didn’t. Yesterday, the former Bad Boy rapper-turned-minister hit MTV’s Rap Fix live and talked about coming out of retirement and what the future holds for him, where he revealed that Diddy had just let him go from his Bad Boy contract.

Ma$e on his Bad Boy contract:

“I’ve been in that contract for 16 years. Yeah, the other day he let me out of it, so big shout-outs to Diddy, I guess he woke up feeling good and he wanted to do something good.”

Ma$e on who he would sign with today:

“At this point, I don’t really want to be under nobody from the aspect of being tied in a long, long contract. It’s kinda like breaking up; you don’t want to jump into a new relationship. I’ma have to go somewhere. I would entertain that. I love Kanye, I love what he does musically, I love his ability to push the envelope. I like to be around people that’s not afraid to be different.”

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