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@KendrickLamar Says He Wants Janet Jackson In the “Poetic Justice” Video


Compton newcomer, Kendrick Lamar talked with MTV News about the next single from his freshman debut, good kid, m.A.A.d. city. The 25-year old rapper told MTV that the second single from the album will probably be “Poetic Justice” featuring Drake which sampled Janet Jackson’s 1993 single, “Anytime, Anyplace”. He also revealed that he wants Ms. Jackson to make a superstar cameo in the video.

Here’s what Kendrick had to say about the possible video collabo:

“I would say ‘Poetic Justice,’ that’ll be a good follow up single,” he said. “That’ll be a blessing [if Janet Jackson were to appear in the video]. Janet, c’mon, Janet. No paperwork with the managers, contact the managers. This is artist to artist. This is a young boy that looked up to you for years. Please, yeah, video, Janet Jackson ‘Poetic Justice.’ It’ll only be right.”

Make it happen, Kendrick!

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