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Jamie Foxx and Kerry Washington Discuss New Film “Django Unchained” and How They Shielded Themselves From the “N-Word” In The Movie (Interview Video Inside!)

Jamie and Kerry

The new exciting movie “Django Unchained” is on its way! Grammy award winning actor and honorable “Scandal” actress, Jamie Foxx and Kerry Washington, talked to Access Hollywood about how they shielded their own personal feelings from being called the “N word” in the new film.

Both African-American movie stars discuss the impact the movie is supposed to have on the viewers, and how the “N word” should bother them when its said over and over throughout the movie.

Jamie talked about his co-star Leonardo DiCaprio’s difficulties with using the “N word” in the taping.

Jamie Foxx stated:

I told Leonardo ‘Look, if you don’t go there (N-word), then we don’t have a story’. So the next day he walked in, he didn’t speak to me. I was like ‘Wassup Leo, wassup baby..Leo what’s poppin?’ he didn’t speak , but he went into the character. I think thats what’s great that we knew we had to tell a story. We knew we had to go into a bad place. So, when I talk to black people about the film, and they say ‘I was bothered by the N-word in the movie’, I say ‘It’s suppossed to bother you’.

Here is the interview with Access Hollywood. Check it out:

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