Hip Hop Santa Arrives! @YoungJeezy Gets In the Holiday Spirit & Gives Out Toys in Macon, GA (Video Inside)


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    Don’t you just love to see your favorite bada$$ rappers giving back to the community? Yesterday on Christmas Eve, Young Jeezy traveled down to Macon, GA for the fifth Christmas in a row to give out toys and gifts to about 200 kids at the town’s Booker T. Washington Community Center.

    “I like to get up close and personal with the people and do it myself. Like it’s not something I look for a corporation to do. I feel like it’s my responsibility” said Jeezy. The snowman continued on saying:  “I work year round, everyday restlessly, and when I get a break, this is what my break is about, giving back and coming back to my community, back to my people”.

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