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Taylor Gang’s @Thee_LoLaMonroe and Bad Boy Rapper Los (@IAmKingLos) Announce New Baby On the Way (Pics Inside)

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Yesterday, video vixen turned 1st lady of Wiz Khalifa’s Taylor Gang announced that her and hubby, Los of Bad Boy Records are expecting their first child together. How sweet. The two both took to their Twitter pages, with Lola tweeting: “Merry Christmas from my family to your . #BlessedBeyondWords” while Los tweeted: “Christmas 2012 with @Thee_LoLaMonroe + 1 … Best gift of all !!!!”.

The couple also posted pics of themselves on Instagram with Lola sporting her baby bump and keeping it mommy-chic in a leopard print dress. Congrats to the Parents-to-be!

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