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Breaking News Alert: @LilFlip713 Arrested in Louisiana for Drugs & Gun Possession


Lil Flip who we haven’t spotted on the scene in a while was arrested last night (December 26) in Mansfield, Louisiana for drug and gun possession charges. The 31-year old Houston rapper was speeding in Louisiana’s DeSoto Parish when he was pulled over by police in a 2010 Dodge Challenger. Police then found marijuana and a Bushmaster AR-15 assault rifle in his vehicle.

Lil Flip and his passenger, Olanza Sanders were both arrested. Flip was charged with third-offense possession of marijuana, possession of a firearm in the presence of a controlled dangerous substance and speeding. Sanders was released on a $25,000 bond, while Lil Flip is still being held on a $35,000 bond. HHE will keep you updated on any developments in the story.

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