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President Obama Not Up To Speed With The IPhone!

On Sunday President Obama seemed to have some difficulty dialing a phone number on the iphone, while visiting a campaign office in Port St. Lucie Florida.

According to the NY Times, Mr. Obama was supposed to call two campaign workers to thank them who were working on his behalf.

Mr. Obama made an attempt to use the iphone of White House trip director Marvin Nicholson but he just could not.

“Oh, I got to dial it. Hold on, hold on. I can do this. See I still have a Blackberry,” the President said jokingly according to the pool report from Politico Journalists Reid Epstein.

The President went on to say ” I just want to point out, this volunteering is not easy as it looks,”  Obama said “I’m not the only one”

Once the call finally went through the volunteer identified as Barney in the pool report couldn’t believe he was actually talking to the President.

“You don’t believe me, do you” said Obama. “It’s true, it’s me.”

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