Change of Heart? @IggyAzalea and @Tip Take a Break… Says T.I. Won’t Be Executive Producer on Upcoming Album



    Australian bombshell turned female MC, Iggy Azalea has announced that her mentor and former collaborator, T.I. will not be the executive producer on her upcoming album. In a recent interview with 16Bars.Tv, Iggy revealed that although T.I. produced tracks for her on her latest EP, Glory, he will not be appearing on her upcoming album, The New Classic. Here’s what Iggy had to say:

    “T.I.’s actually not executive producing my album anymore… He was going to be, but originally…all the records that I had on Glory were supposed to be on The New Classic, and he executive produced what ended up being Glory.”

    Iggy elaborated on what helped the two make the decision, saying:

    “But as I was making it, I felt like, ‘This isn’t The New Classic; this is something else. It’s not the right sound.’ Not that it sounded bad, but it wasn’t what The New Classic is in my head…it went good, it was an experience, but after, he said and I said it’s better if I just make my own music away from him because sometimes being around him, it influences the music I make to be a bit too much of a different sound… it’s not because I don’t love, because I love him.”

    Check out Iggy’s full interview below:

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