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LOL! 10 Hip Hop GIF’s We’ll Still Be Laughing at in 2013 @2Chainz, @Drake, @WizKhalifa & More

2012 just wouldn’t have been 2012 without a gang of hilarious GIF’s to make the year go by. So over at HHE we’ve put together a list of the most hilarious GIF’s this year from Omarion’s appearance at the BET Hip Hop Awards to Drake pushing a girl off stage. See who made the cut!

1. Omarion hits like 55 dance moves in 2 seconds at BET Hip Hop Awards.

2. Drake pushes girl off stage during a performance in Toronto. Looks like Drizzy wasn’t feeling her nearly as much as she was feeling herself.

3. Wiz Khalifa parties like a rockstar. And is his hair pressed out??

4. Just Snoop Dogg being Snoop Dogg. 

5. Trinidad James and the motto that we all lived by in 2012. Whether we really did or didn’t. 

6. Soulja Boy and his dirty fingernails at the 2012 BET Awards. Never forget. 

7. Jay Z and Kim K have an awkward moment at the BET 2012 Hip Hop Awards. 

8. Young Drake busts a move at a Bar Mitzvah.

9. Kid Cudi “dances” in the “Mercy” video. If that’s what you want to call it. 

10. 2 Chainz jigs on Nicki Minaj.

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