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Top Hip Hop Instagrams of the Week: 12/31- 1/5 @WizKhalifa, @JoeBudden, @BigSean @RickyRozay

Amber Rose, Wiz Khalifa and Chris Brown

From Wiz Khalifa to Beyonce to Rick Ross to Joe Budden, the stars started off 2013 with a gang of cool Instagram pics. Check out our top Instagram pictures of the week for the first week of 2013!

@joebudden: Babygirl & Erica Mena.

Kevin Durant: #35 #9 Thunder Up #KDPhotos

Beyonce: @baddiebey

@bigseangood: Walked up on this today… @HallOfFame on the way

@youngkrizzle Me @kingsizeslimthugga @youngdonofthine @zromocitydon @ricobho

Chuck Inglish: @oldinglish Cheers. Happy New Year!

Rick Ross: @RichForver Come & $uck a D-ck 4 a Millionaire. #TwoKings

Rihanna: @BadGalRiri #thuglife #prisoncharts #theyfuckswitdatdamnnavy

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