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Baby Fever! Wiz Khalifa and Amber Rose Share Baby Shower Pics w/ Christina Millian, Toccara, Lola Monroe and More (Pics Inside)

amber rose wiz khalifa baby shower

If there’s one hip hop baby that we’re excited to see, it’s the the soon-to-be love child of Pittsburgh rapper, Wiz Khalifa and his wifey, Amber Rose. This past Sunday (January 6), Wiz Khalifa played photographer/daddy-t0-be and snapped pics of a glowing Amber Rose at her baby shower for their baby boy.

Amber tweeted yesterday, “We had a good ol down home baby shower today. No Papz, No booshiness just Fun, Friends, Family, Food & Good times#DownHomePhillyGirl :-)”, along with a couple of Instagram pics from her and Wiz.

Guests at the shower included Wiz’s fellow Taylor Gang member, Lola Monroe who announced during the holidays that she too is expecting a baby and model vixen, Tocarra. Check out more pics from the baby bash below!

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