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Breaking News: Basketball Star Allen Iverson: To Usher Custody Judge, I Don’t Want You Then She Freezes His reebok Monies



Former Philadelphia 76’s star Allen Iverson isn’t taking any chances in his upcoming trial in a Fulton County Superior court and we have to say we understand his dilemma. Last week, his current attorney Melonie Fenwick-Thompson filed a motion with the court to have controversial Judge Bensonetta Tipton-Lane recues herself from any future proceedings since she realized that the attorney his ex-wife Tawanna Iverson retained was none other than John Mayoue. Coincidentally he is the same attorney that represented superstar singer Usher Raymond, IV.

There have been allegations that the singer only received a favorable ruling in his custody case was because of the judge’s relationship with attorney John Mayoue has prompted other litigants to request to have their cases removed from Judge Lane’s courtroom.

And most recently, Iverson’s lawyer is furious at the fact that Judge Lane ordered all of Iverson’s future Reebok disbursements paid to the court’s registry because of a request by attorney John Mayoue, something she classified as “unconscionable and without legal basis

“ This court made that decision despite the Reebok Trust disbursement was not an issue pending before it, and without evidence and testimony from the parties or any witnesses, and based solely on the unsubstantiated representation of Opposing Counsel, John Mayoue, that the Respondent was frivolously spending the marital assets. It is unconscionable, and without legal basis, that the Allen Iverson was ordered to surrender 100% of his income into the Court’s registry.”

It really sounds like Iverson’s attorney is going to be fighting an uphill battle to get her client a favorable outcome from the judge since she has already denied Iverson’s request to have his case moved out of her courtroom. Allen Iverson’s trial is schedule to start on January 14th in the Fulton County Superior court and we suspect that it will be a standing room only event.

Ironically, Tameka Raymond’s attorney Lisa West has already been successful in having three of her other cases with different clients moved from judge Lane’s courtroom.

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