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Sparks Fly at Love and Hip Hop Season 3 Premiere Party

love and hip hop new york season 3

It looks like the cast of Love and Hip Hop Season 3 couldn’t wait until the premiere of the show’s new season before they got the drama started. Last week we did a post on the lavish premiere party thrown at the Meat Packing District Lounge in New York where the entire cast except for Olivia Longott showed up and from what we’re hearing now, showed OUT!

The party was followed by a Q&A session where castmates Erica Mena and Lore’l got into a verbal altercation, Rich Dollaz was a little too tipsy to properly ask his questions and Joe Budden’s girlfriend Kaylin says she doesn’t mind Joe Budden remaining friends with his ex, Tahiry Jose. Check out footage from the Q&A below and the season premiere tonight on VH1 at 8 pm.

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