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Kendrick Lamar Decodes “Sing About Me, I’m Dying of Thirst” on Life + Times (Video Inside)

kendrick lamar sing about me

Kendrick Lamar made a special appearance on Jay Z’s Life + Times site, where he decoded the meaning behind “Sing About Me, I’m Dying of Thirst” off of his latest album, Good Kid, m.A.A.d City. Kendrick recalls the feelings he had when his friend was shot and killed in their hometown of Compton, CA.

“It’s an obvious true story,”  said Kendrick.  “It hits homes as far as the past memories of tragic situations that happened in my life. That one particular situation is my homeboy getting smoked while I’m right there. I’m being the last one right there, to see him take his last [breath]”.

Check out what else Kendrick had to say about the track below.

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