Company Makes Action Figures Based On Characters From The Movie Django and L.A. Man Starts Protest (Video Inside)



    Capitalism or Exploiting the Black Race? It’s the 21st Century and slavery-era action figures tied to the new film “Django Unchained” are being sold on for less than $40. Understandably, many brows are being raised and questions are being asked about whether or not the play toys are appropriate.

    According to reports from, this line of action figures depicting the movie’s main characters are on sale online and are manufactured by a toy company, NECA, in partnership with the Weinstein Co.

    Director of Project Islamic Hope, Najee Ali, plans to hold a conference on Tuesday, with other Los Angeles community leaders, calling for NECA to remove the toys from the market. Ali calls the toys “a slap in the face of our ancestors”. The outraged community leader also stated: “We were outraged. We feel that it trivializes the horrors of slavery and what African Americans experienced”.

    The action figures are collectible items, and reportedly recommended for people older than 17. Another film of Tarantino’s, “Inglourious Basterds”, had a set of action figure collectibles to go with as well.

    Ali stated that the film was a great one, he saw it twice, and has no objections to the actual movie. Despite this recent controversy, “Django Unchained” has earned $106.3 million since it opened on Christmas and nominated for five Golden Globe awards.

    Appropriate or crossing the lines? What do you think about these toys?

    Check out Foxx, Tarentino, and DiCaprio on Nightline discussing the movie controvery below:

    Hip Hop Enquirer Magazine | Follow us @hiphopenquirer

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