[HHE Feature] “We Don’t Love Them Hoes”: Is Young Hip Hop Anti-Marriage?


is hip hop anti marriage

“We don’t love them hoes” originated from West Coast’s king rap figure Snoop Dogg, in the 90’s hip hop song “Gin and Juice”. Rap generations from as far back as the late 80’s have heard female-degrading songs performed by African American men, which factually discourage any idea of “loving the woman”.

I’ll even take “B*tches ain’t sh*t but hoes and tricks” from his homie Dr. Dre for $500 Alex.

Often, I run across multiple tattoos along their forearm surfaces of boys [between the ages of 18-30] that read:  M.O.B. – a hood acronym and additional “hip hop lingo” for the phrase “Money of B*tches”. So, I completely understand many of these young fatherless households of young African American women. Hip Hop music does help water this thought process. I also understand the sudden swirl of righteous, self-respecting female hip hop, into a plastic Barbie show. If only our young men and women could be wiser than Hip Hop, instead of falling into its traps of blatant disrespect.


“I crushed them hoes, I never love them hoes,” is one line from “Actin’ Up” by Meek Mill, one of the top well-known and influencing rap artists for young African American men between the ages of 18-30. The arenas that groups like Maybach Music and other male-dominated labels fill up are no lie to our eyes. What we see is what hip hop fans listen to, crave, and become excited over. Not only do most well-known street rap artists refer to women as being “hoes” and “bitches”, but there are also many different ethnicities of women dancing in cameo features of such videos. All of a sudden hip hop wanted “foreign women”, never mind if the local rappers who hire them have never even left the country before. Meanwhile, foreign hair business is up. Comical.

Obviously, so many don’t care about what they’re referred to. Hell, I think it may even be safe to say that the African American black female fan base of street hip hop is desensitized to such words; bitches and hoes. How many young black females have you heard refer to their friend as “my bitch” proudly? So women are portrayed and name-blasted as being hoes, all day long on the radio and, and so many young women are okay with it. In fact, the hip hop culture today is very sexually active, along with many new drug and alcohol creations to enhance the sexuality between people who love hip hop. Folks are even popping Mollies to be sweating. Woo. The exact words I make when I notice that Hip Hop has completely smashed any idea of wife-ing, marrying, or creating any longevity with a woman a man is sexually involved with.


He can’t “catch feelings”, because according to many famous hip hop lyrics, catching feelings for a woman is “prohibited”. While Yo Gotti completely makes it clear that his baby mama gets no “Second Chance” at being in a relationship with him on his recent mixtape CM7, we’ll continue to see bad breakups on the front page of TMZ, showing the complete disregard some of our favorites in hip hop have for black women. This is what it is.

Numbers have spiked in single parent households and CDC reports gave us this gruesome discovery that 72 percent of black children were born out of wedlock in 2009. So, somewhere kids are being born without a care or the knowledge of the “importance” of marriage. I’m just going to say it for what it is. Shawty Lo is not in complete blame for his new controversial reality show. The women who at one point saw “child” and “popular rapper association” before “marriage” should wear the shame as well. With my one child today at 30, I understand that it’s nothing cute about being called or labeled a “baby mama”. How dare you take yourself – the creator of a child, such a blessing, there through day and night, second by second, checking minute by minute, providing, laughing, playing, crying, consoling rights of being something so beautiful like a mother, and wear the nametag of “Baby Mama”? You must be out of your damned mind, if you believe that title is worthy of all of the work you put in as “mom”.

So with all of this said, can we make the conclusion that a lot of young African American men carry the mindset of our favorite “street rappers”, placing money, lust, and other things over monogamous relationships with women, including the mothers of their children?


What’s the ruler of music genres over young African American men between the ages of 18-30? Hip Hop correct? So here we have a world full of “baby fathers” who have been musically trained to be cold heartless “partners. I mean God forbid a man falls head over heels in love for a woman. If that were to happen, then according to hip hop lyrics, he’s crossed all macho lines. I’m ashamed to admit it, but I fully believe that the many ringless single mothers around the world must give thanks to the catchy rap lyrics that forbid their chance to be loved by a man their age.

Some hip hop continues to help place women, especially African American women, in this tacky ratchet like box. Some – not all. Thank you Lupe, for trying to steer so many lost women in the right direction with your 2011 single, “Bad B*tch”, but we need some more steering work.


I’m challenging all women to settle for nothing but the best. If that means pumping the brakes of the sexiest rap star with visual cash flow, from getting in your bed, do so. Don’t’ be so hip hop predictable. Let’s stop becoming parents off of sexual attraction.

Let’s not fall victim.

Follow Chakara @Karapublishes on Twitter

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