Kim Kardashian Doesn’t Want Husband Kris Humphries Around When She Gives Birth to Kanye West’s Baby


    Kim Kardashian and Kanye West expecting baby

    According to a source for TMZ, it has been revealed that Kim Kardashian who is currently pregnant by her boo-thang, Kanye West said that she does NOT want her husband, Kris Humprhries anywhere in the picture in her baby’s life. Now we’re assuming that Kris didn’t exactly want to help cut the umbilical cord, but Kim is frustrated with Kris for supposedly “dragging out” their divorce process.

    “Kim feels Kris is being “spiteful and vindictive” in dragging out the divorce — which has dragged on for nearly a year-and-a-half — for no reason” , said the source. They continued on saying, “people in Kris’ life are now urging him to just settle and walk away. But here’s the problem … Both sides have now incurred big attorney’s fees, and we’re told Kim believes so strongly Kris’ legal challenge is so bogus that she wants him to foot her lawyer’s bills”.

    Check out the video below where Celebrity Divorce Attorney, Vikki Ziegler gives her two cents on how Kimye may run into legal/paternal issues if the divorce isn’t finalized soon.

    Hmm, sounds like Kanye may only be the God Daddy if Kris has his way.

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